Hernando man gets visit from sheriff's office after email to Holly Davis

By John Labriola - 

A 66-year-old Hernando man got a Thanksgiving-eve knock on his door from the sheriff's office after sending Citrus County Commissioner Holly Davis an email challenging her on her LGBT activism in strong terms.

On Nov. 23, B. James Colantropo emailed Davis in response to her shocking remarks at the last county commission meeting, in which she appeared to advocate for homosexual grooming of children in the county libraries

"Rest assured that the good people of this county will not stand by and let you get away with your leftist agenda," Colantropo wrote. He then added: "Count your days because they are numbered."

The next morning, two sheriff's detectives showed up at Colantropo's door.

"They wanted to know what my intentions were, as they said my email could be construed as threatening," said Colantropo, who explained to them that his words were meant politically, not as a physical threat. 

"Basically they understood where I was coming from politically and asked me to tone it down going forward, to which I assured them I would comply," he said. 

Citrus County Sheriff Mike Prendergast said protocol required the office to investigate the perceived threat once it was reported by Davis, and the case was closed once Colantropo explained his true intentions to the detectives' satisfaction.

Later that same day, Davis sent Colantropo an email in which she attacked America's Christian heritage.

"It is simply not the case that America is a Christian Nation," she wrote.

Davis also doubled down on her support for homosexual propaganda displays in the county libraries by disingenuously arguing that rather than undermining Christian values, they "would give any Christian parents visiting the library with their children an opportunity to reinforce their own beliefs – to raise them up the way they see fit." (A laughable argument that insults people's intelligence while barely concealing her true intentions.)

Colantropo said he plans to stay involved in the political fight against Commissioner Davis' LGBT agenda.

"Seems I ruffled her feathers. That's a good thing. We need to ruffle them so they get the message that they can't ram this crap down our throats, and we are not going away," he said.

Colantropo also had this message for Davis and her liberal allies in the county bureaucracy: "Be advised I am willing to stand up for what I believe, and to stand up for my blessed grandchildren! Keep your hands off the kids and stop polluting their innocent minds."


  1. The BOCC needs to be watched closely now as county spending continues to increase beyond reason!

  2. When does she come up for re-election? I will be sure to vote against her!

  3. People wouldn't need to have library materials to help them find peace if whack jobs like you would stop calling them disgusting perverts and dehumanizing them. You have chosen the path of hate and I pray God saves you.

    1. Hi Mary. Thanks for reading. I didn't use the expression "disgusting perverts." Those were your words, so maybe the Holy Spirit is convicting your conscience. Homosexuality is indeed a disgusting perversion, but we are taught to love the sinner and hate the sin. It does the sinner no good to coddle and confirm him in his sin; that approach actually condemns his soul to hell "where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched." I invite you to study the Scriptures again regarding sin. It's completely antithetical to the message of the Bible to tell people they can find "peace" in sin. Peace is only found in Jesus Christ, not in the obstinate and prideful rejection of God's Commandments.

  4. Why did the sheriff's department respond to this???

    1. I believe it is the duty of the sheriffs office to investigate any perceived threat once it was reported. I feel that the sheriff's office would investigate any perceived threat to you or me as well. I think the focus of the article is the policies of this commissioner not really the sheriff.

  5. It is sad when a County Commissioner believes that their personal beliefs are the only guiding factor that they must follow. Holly Davis may need a reminder that she is entitled to her own opinion, however she is not entitled to her own facts. A Gallup Poll dated 7/2/2016 shows that 89% of Americans say they believe in God. The America Wide Survey show that and in 2018 89% still believe America is a Christian Nation. Religion as a denomination may be on the decline, the belief in "God" is not. Where it has declined can be traced back to the indoctrination of the students and the Church that is not Teaching All of the Bible. As well as the push from the leftist agenda.
    County Commissioners should not be using the office to push or propagate their own agendas, which are not in the best interest of the community as a whole. If one or the whole cannot understand this, then they should resign or face a challenger in the next election.
    There are many problems in this county that are not being addressed appropriately and the Commissioners need to realize an abuse of their roll is being watched and is being recorded.
    To send Law Enforcement to the home of constituent for that person expressing their opinion is an abuse of the office and places shame on the Commission. We still live in a Free Republic, contrary to the belief we live in a democracy. The citizens have the right to voice their opinions and thoughts as they choose. If no bodily harm was threatened, the wording "we are going to let you get away with it", has many definitions that could apply. Holly Davis should be fined for wasting the taxpayer's money and filing a false complaint.
    I believe it is time to be looking for strong Americans who are willing to serve their community to stop the forward march of removing our sovereignty as citizens towards socialism. We the People will no longer be abused by the agendas of the elected. The People are Watching and Take Notes.

    A Concerned Citizen of Citrus County, who is watching, taking notes, and learning.


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